Når det kommer til det billigste produkt så er det helt klart et fra ELF. Deres priser er godt nok sat lidt op, men da det stadig var super billigt købte jeg en del hos dem, og en af de ting var en læbestift. De kostede kun 13 kr. Så det er klart et af de billigste produkter jeg har i min samling.
Det dyreste må helt klart være min mascara fra Lancôme. Den hedder Hypnose og jeg tror faktisk ikke at man kan få den længere. Den kostede langt over 250 kr dengang jeg købte den, men prisen er vist nogenlunde det samme med deres nuværende af slagsen. Denne er en sort med sølvglimmer og den er bare super lækker.
2. VREDE: Hvilket skønhedsprodukt har du et had/kærligheds forhold til? Hvilket produkt har været det sværeste at få?
Åhhh det må helt klart være falske vipper. De er pisse flotte NÅR man kan finde ud at putte dem ordentligt på. Men jeg kæmper stadig med den slags og det er pisse irriterende. Men har fundet ud af at det hjælper at klippe dem ud i mindre dele og påføre dem sådan. Men jeez! Det ville bare være så meget nemmere hvis man kunne sætte et stort stykke på. :P
Det jeg har sværest ved at få fat i må helt klart være min foundation. Manhattan har valgt at lave de skønne foundations om til fedtede og klamme BB-cremes, så jeg kan faktisk ikke finde denne længere. Det er skide irriterende, for det er den perfekte til min hud og fungerer godt sammen med min psoriasis. Så jeg ved ikke hvad jeg gør når jeg løber tør. /:
3. FRÅDSERI: Hvad er dit lækreste skønhedsprodukt?
Jeg ved det faktisk ikke. Jeg stod længe og kiggede ned i makeup-tasken og skufferne, men jeg kunne simpelthen ikke vælge et produkt fra, for jeg har ikke ret meget dyrt, så... tja.. Jeg må melde pas her. Medmindre at man kan sige at mit "fråseri" er mængden af min makeup. :) For så kan man måske godt sige hele min samling. :D

Her må jeg nok indrømme at vippe-serumet kommer på førstepladsen. Jeg er virkelig dårlig til at få det påført om aftenen inden sengetid. Nok også derfor jeg ikke har kunne se nogen effekt af det endnu. Men jeg vil gøre mit bedste for at blive bedre til det. :)
5. STOLTHED: Hvilket skønhedsprodukt giver dig mest selvtillid?
Der kommer min foundation ind i billeder igen. Jeg er hårdt ramt af psoriasis og derfor er min hud virkelig ødelagt, så jeg elsker at en foundation kan kamuflere det lidt og give mig en pænere hud. Det hjælper en del på selvtilliden.
6. LYST: Hvilke attributter finder du mest attraktive hos det modsatte køn?
Når det kommer til skønhed, så må jeg nok sige at det her er smilet og øjnene som jeg finder mest attraktivt. Selvfølgelig er det ikke alle mænd der er så heldige på det område, men nogle mænd har virkelig nogle fantastiske øjne og et sexet smil.
7. MISUNDELSE: Hvilke produkter vil du allerhelst modtage som en gave?
Den er godt nok svær. For jeg har jo stort set hvad jeg skal bruge, men det ville da ikke være værst at få nogle gode gavekort på store beløb så man kan gå lidt amok i Matas eller hvor der nu ellers kan købes lækre produkter. :D
English version:
1. GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
When it comes to the cheapest product it is clearly one from ELF. Their prices are a bit higher now but when it was still super cheap I bought a lot of stuff and one of those things was lipsticks.
The most expensive must definitely be my mascara from Lancôme. It's called Hypnosis and I really do not think that you can get it anymore. This is a black with silver glitter and it's just super nice.
2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? What product has been the hardest to get?
Ohhh it must clearly be false lashes. They're fucking beautiful WHEN you can put them on the right way. But I still struggle with that and it's fucking annoying. But I've found out that it helps to cut them into smaller parts and apply them that way. But jeez! It would just be so much easier if I could put a large piece on without any problems. :P
What I find most difficult to get hold of must definitely be my foundation. Manhattan has chosen to make the wonderful foundations to the greasy and clammy BB cremes instead, so I really can't find this anymore. It's fucking annoying, because it's perfect for my skin and works well with my psoriasis. So I don't know what I do when I run out. /:
3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
I don't really know. I stood a long time and looked into the makeup bag and drawers, but I just couldn't choose a product, because I don't have that much expensive stuff so... well.. I have to throw in the towel here. Unless you can say that my "gluttony" is the amount of my makeup. :) Then you could probably say my entire collection. :D
4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
Here I must admit that the lash serum comes in first place. I'm really bad at getting it applied at night before bed. Probably also why I don't see any effect of it yet. But I will do my best to get better at it. :)
5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
That brings my foundation into pictures again. I am severely affected by psoriasis in my face and therefore my skin is really damaged, so I love that a foundation can camouflage it a little and give me a nicer skin. It helps a lot on my self confidence.
6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
When it comes to beauty, I must say that it must be the smile and eyes that I find most attractive. Of course, not all men are so lucky in that area, but some men really have some amazing eyes and a sexy smile.
7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
That's a tough one. Because I have the almost of what I need, but it wouldn't be bad to get some good gift certificates that's in large amounts so that I could go a little crazy in a drugstore or where else I can buy delicious products. :D
When it comes to the cheapest product it is clearly one from ELF. Their prices are a bit higher now but when it was still super cheap I bought a lot of stuff and one of those things was lipsticks.
The most expensive must definitely be my mascara from Lancôme. It's called Hypnosis and I really do not think that you can get it anymore. This is a black with silver glitter and it's just super nice.
2. WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? What product has been the hardest to get?
Ohhh it must clearly be false lashes. They're fucking beautiful WHEN you can put them on the right way. But I still struggle with that and it's fucking annoying. But I've found out that it helps to cut them into smaller parts and apply them that way. But jeez! It would just be so much easier if I could put a large piece on without any problems. :P
What I find most difficult to get hold of must definitely be my foundation. Manhattan has chosen to make the wonderful foundations to the greasy and clammy BB cremes instead, so I really can't find this anymore. It's fucking annoying, because it's perfect for my skin and works well with my psoriasis. So I don't know what I do when I run out. /:
3. GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
I don't really know. I stood a long time and looked into the makeup bag and drawers, but I just couldn't choose a product, because I don't have that much expensive stuff so... well.. I have to throw in the towel here. Unless you can say that my "gluttony" is the amount of my makeup. :) Then you could probably say my entire collection. :D
4. SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
Here I must admit that the lash serum comes in first place. I'm really bad at getting it applied at night before bed. Probably also why I don't see any effect of it yet. But I will do my best to get better at it. :)
5. PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
That brings my foundation into pictures again. I am severely affected by psoriasis in my face and therefore my skin is really damaged, so I love that a foundation can camouflage it a little and give me a nicer skin. It helps a lot on my self confidence.
6. LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
When it comes to beauty, I must say that it must be the smile and eyes that I find most attractive. Of course, not all men are so lucky in that area, but some men really have some amazing eyes and a sexy smile.
7. ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
That's a tough one. Because I have the almost of what I need, but it wouldn't be bad to get some good gift certificates that's in large amounts so that I could go a little crazy in a drugstore or where else I can buy delicious products. :D

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